Thursday, July 25, 2013

Mommy Time

Just an update on my current placement. She's still just as lovely as ever but she has grown very attached very fast. It's to the point where I can't get anything done around the house because she is screaming for me to hold her. I get worried that she's doing the same thing at daycare but her teachers say she's not. Mom has missed her first two visits and one court hearing so there's no telling where this case is headed. I'm excited that I get to meet her siblings this weekend for a visit. I will let you all know how that goes and I'm going to log off and have some alone time while she's sleep :-)

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Placement Update!

I've been so busy I could barely find time to post a quick update. Baby girl is doing so well! She's a great sleeper, she's very happy and my family is pretty much obsessed. She's enjoying all of the attention she's getting and she starts her new daycare on Monday so we are settling in for now. Mom's court date is next week so hopefully we will get some news about where this case is going. I will just enjoy her as much as I can for now and treasure the time I get to spend with her.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

First Placement!

I got my first placement today! She is a BEAUTIFUL 10 month old little girl. This child literally looks like she could be mine. I got the call about her yesterday. Her and her three siblings were taken into care immediately for just about every reason imaginable. She was placed in a home with her three siblings until today when they delivered her to me!

I just want to take this time to give a special thanks to a great friend who came over and helped me take care of her while shopping (she came with no clothes that fit). I could not have made it today without her. This is much harder than I thought!

I want to tell you all about her but I'll keep this brief. I have to get some rest because we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow. Did I mention she's BEAUTIFUL. She's such a good baby. She doesn't wine or cry, she's attached to me already, and she fell asleep with no problems at all. I will keep you all updated.