Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Waiting by the Phone?????

I read a lot of blogs and message boards about foster care/adoption and often I hear people talk about waiting for a call and jumping everytime the phone rings. Maybe I'm strange but once I found out I was licensed I never waited by the phone. I'm thankful because I would be going nuts right now since it's been weeks since I got a call. I often leave my phone at home when I run to the gas station or leave it at my desk while I go to lunch. In some ways I believe that I will havc some sort of intuition when a call is coming. I also believe that everything happens for a reason and if I miss the call, that's the way it was meant to be. I would love to hear from other parents on whether you are or plan to wait by the phone.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Please excuse me if my update is a little choppy. I'm trying to update and watch the NBA finals at the same time. Miami is winning so I'm a little excited :-)

Let's see where did I leave off.......Oh! I was waiting for my licensing worker to submit my paperwork to become licensed and I hadn't heard back from her in about a week. Well imagine my surprise when exactly 2 weeks ago I got a call from a placement worker asking if I could take a 2 month old little girl. I said yes of course and she told me that the case manager would be calling me back with an update. About 15 minutes later the case manager called me and said the family was going to court the next morning and she would call me after court with an update. I ran home, cleaned, switched the car seat to my new car (I haven't sold my old one yet), arranged all my girls clothes, cleaned some more, and waiting patiently. The case manager called me around noon the next day and told me that the child was not removed after all......bummer but at least I know I'm licensed now! Like I said that was about two weeks ago and I haven't gotten anymore calls since.

In the mean time I have been keeping myself VERY busy doing all the things I won't be able to do once I have a child in my home. I've been going out every weekend, enjoying the beautiful weather, staying out late and sleeping in even later. I figure once I get completely comfortable and take the car seat out the call will come.