Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Miss Me?

I'm so sorry I have been MIA. My internet at home has been working off and on and I just didn't want to deal with it. Anyway let's catch up! At this point I'm done with my classes, I have complete the MOUNTAINS of paperwork and I have been waiting for a month for my caseworker to write up my home study. I'm trying to be patient because I'm sure she has a million things to do but to be honest....my patience is wearing thin. I emailed her last week for an update and she said she would be mailing my homestudy to me for approval within a week. I live 4 minutes away from the office so I don't understand why I can't just come in and go over the home study. Oh well I don't write the rules so I will continue to wait not so patiently and I will update you all on my progress XOXO.

P.S Did I say how sorry I was?????


  1. I'm so glad to find someone else just starting out! How is everything going now that a few months have passed? Hopefully you have already received your paperwork. LOL

  2. I am officially licensed now! I just posted an update but I received my first call, it didn't pan out so I'm waiting. Where are you in your journey?

  3. We still have 3 more weeks until classes begin. It seems like it's taking forever!

  4. Oh what an exciting time! It does seem like it takes forever but this entire process is about waiting. Waiting for classes, waiting to be approved, waiting for the call, then if you're hoping to adopt, waiting for TPR. Try to form a connection with the other people in your class because you all will be waiting together!

  5. Very, very true. In the meantime I'll just read about all your fun. :D
